Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Alltop Introduces My Alltop

Blog. Blog. Blog. There are so many blogs in the blogosphere, but not many devices to organize and sort them out. And who better to do it than you? Now Guy Kawasaki's Alltop offers just that. You can create your own page, selecting just those blogs you enjoy. Then sort them to your heart's delight. 

Here's one of my new My.Alltop pages. I'd like to add more blogs, but am not sure I can if they are not "Alltop approved". So, if you have a great wedding-related blog, apply to Alltop to be added to their list so I can add you to mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding mine, Jewel. That's a great list you have there... I will have to make my own Alltop page now! :)